Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Grandma Day" and Potty time!

We had our first 'Grandma Day' last week - so fun! We painted rocks, colored pots and planted beans and flowers! We also made 'dirt pie'...with worms, rocks, and was so tasty! But we have some big news to report...I went pee-pee in the potty this morning! I had gone about two weeks ago, but instead of going in the toilet I peed on the opposite wall. But this morning, Mommy was changing my diaper and I wanted to go potty, so she sat me down and I WENT! It was great. Mommy gave me a "cars" puzzle to congratulate was awesome! Hopefully we can keep this up! Mom didn't want to push me into it because she heard that boys are so hard to train...but hopefully I will prove her wrong!

I love hiding in Mommy's clothes in her closet! It's my new fav. thing!

Grandma day #1 - painting rocks!

Can I paint my shirt, Mommy?

Playing with the Brodster in the sand pool...haha

Brod and I are like two peas in a pod...sitting in the sink, chillin, no big deal.

Lovin up Cody...I was all about him on Grandma Day...I didn't want to leave his side!

Grandma with half of the grandkids with our "dirt salad" and worms in mouth! yum!

Braya, Cody, Brooklyn, myself and Lakin with our planters!

Us again with our painted rocks!

Mom and Grandma Jan took me to the dairy queen in Breck one day to get ice cream...boy do I love eating my own cones! I get it everywhere!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a great day!! I feel bad that I have never heard of this Grandma day thing!
